var babylon = require('babylon');
var debug = require('./debug');
* Parses the specified src string with babylon, returning the resulting AST
* and skipping the undocumented File root node, which is neither Babylon AST
* nor ESTree spec compliant.
* @param {string} src Source to parse
* @param {string} filePath Path to the file
exports.parse = function(src, filePath) {
debug(`parsing ${filePath}`);
try {
return attempt(
() => _parse(src, filePath, 'script'),
() => _parse(src, filePath, 'module')
} catch (err) {
let ctx = getErrorContext(err, src);
throw new Error(`Couldn't parse ${filePath}: ${err.message}${ctx}`);
function attempt(...fns) {
for (let i = 0; i < fns.length; i++) {
try {
return fns[i]();
} catch (err) {
if (i === fns.length - 1) throw err;
function _parse(src, filePath, sourceType) {
return babylon.parse(src, {
allowReturnOutsideFunction: true,
allowImportExportEverywhere: true,
sourceType: sourceType,
sourceFilename: filePath,
plugins: ['jsx', 'flow', 'doExpressions', 'objectRestSpread', 'decorators',
'classProperties', 'exportExtensions', 'asyncGenerators', 'functionBind',
'functionSent', 'dynamicImport']
function getErrorContext(err, src) {
if (!err.loc || !err.loc.line || err.loc.column >= 100) return '';
var line = src.split('\n')[err.loc.line - 1];
var caret = ' '.repeat(err.loc.column) + '^';
return `\n${line}\n${caret}`;