- var expect = require('expect.js');
- var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter;
- var Inspector = require('../lib/inspector');
- var fixtures = require('./fixtures');
- describe('Inspector', function() {
- // Used to test emitted events
- var found;
- var listener = function(match) {
- found.push(match);
- };
- beforeEach(function() {
- found = [];
- });
- describe('constructor', function() {
- it('inherits from EventEmitter', function() {
- expect(new Inspector()).to.be.an(EventEmitter);
- });
- it('accepts an array of file paths', function() {
- var filePaths = ['path1.js', 'path2.js'];
- var inspector = new Inspector(filePaths);
- expect(inspector._filePaths).to.be(filePaths);
- });
- it('assigns a default threshold of 30', function() {
- var inspector = new Inspector([]);
- expect(inspector._threshold).to.be(30);
- });
- it('accepts an options object', function() {
- var opts = {threshold: 12};
- var inspector = new Inspector([], opts);
- expect(inspector._threshold).to.be(opts.threshold);
- });
- });
- describe('run', function() {
- it('emits a start event', function() {
- var emitted;
- var inspector = new Inspector([fixtures.intersection]);
- inspector.on('start', function() {
- emitted = true;
- });
- inspector.run();
- expect(emitted).to.be(true);
- });
- it('emits an end event', function() {
- var emitted;
- var inspector = new Inspector([fixtures.intersection]);
- inspector.on('end', function() {
- emitted = true;
- });
- inspector.run();
- expect(emitted).to.be(true);
- });
- it('emits the "match" event when a match is found', function() {
- var inspector = new Inspector([fixtures.intersection], {
- threshold: 10
- });
- inspector.on('match', listener);
- inspector.run();
- expect(found).to.have.length(1);
- });
- });
- it('can find an exact match between instances', function() {
- var inspector = new Inspector([fixtures.intersection], {
- threshold: 15
- });
- inspector.on('match', listener);
- inspector.run();
- var match = found[0];
- expect(found).to.have.length(1);
- expect(match.instances).to.have.length(2);
- expect(match.instances[0].start).to.eql({line: 1, column: 0});
- expect(match.instances[0].end).to.eql({line: 5, column: 1});
- expect(match.instances[1].start).to.eql({line: 7, column: 0});
- expect(match.instances[1].end).to.eql({line: 11, column: 1});
- });
- it('can find the largest match between two instances', function() {
- var inspector = new Inspector([fixtures.redundantIntersection], {
- threshold: 11
- });
- inspector.on('match', listener);
- inspector.run();
- var match = found[0];
- expect(found).to.have.length(1);
- expect(match.instances).to.have.length(2);
- expect(match.instances[0].start).to.eql({line: 1, column: 0});
- expect(match.instances[0].end).to.eql({line: 9, column: 1});
- expect(match.instances[1].start).to.eql({line: 11, column: 0});
- expect(match.instances[1].end).to.eql({line: 19, column: 1});
- });
- it('supports ES6', function() {
- var inspector = new Inspector([fixtures.es6ClassExport], {
- threshold: 20
- });
- inspector.on('match', listener);
- inspector.run();
- var match = found[0];
- expect(found).to.have.length(1);
- expect(match.instances).to.have.length(2);
- expect(match.instances[0].start).to.eql({line: 2, column: 2});
- expect(match.instances[0].end).to.eql({line: 6, column: 3});
- expect(match.instances[1].start).to.eql({line: 8, column: 2});
- expect(match.instances[1].end).to.eql({line: 12, column: 3});
- });
- it('supports JSX', function() {
- var inspector = new Inspector([fixtures.jsxTodo], {
- threshold: 20
- });
- inspector.on('match', listener);
- inspector.run();
- var match = found[0];
- expect(found).to.have.length(1);
- expect(match.instances).to.have.length(2);
- expect(match.instances[0].start).to.eql({line: 3, column: 0});
- expect(match.instances[0].end).to.eql({line: 9, column: 1});
- expect(match.instances[1].start).to.eql({line: 11, column: 0});
- expect(match.instances[1].end).to.eql({line: 17, column: 1});
- });
- it('supports Flow', function() {
- var inspector = new Inspector([fixtures.flowIntersection], {
- threshold: 20
- });
- inspector.on('match', listener);
- inspector.run();
- var match = found[0];
- expect(found).to.have.length(1);
- expect(match.instances).to.have.length(2);
- expect(match.instances[0].start).to.eql({line: 1, column: 0});
- expect(match.instances[0].end).to.eql({line: 5, column: 1});
- expect(match.instances[1].start).to.eql({line: 7, column: 0});
- expect(match.instances[1].end).to.eql({line: 11, column: 1});
- });
- it('includes the lines with the match', function() {
- var inspector = new Inspector([fixtures.intersection], {
- threshold: 11,
- });
- inspector.on('match', listener);
- inspector.run();
- var match = found[0];
- expect(found).to.have.length(1);
- expect(match.instances).to.have.length(2);
- expect(match.instances[0].lines).to.be(
- 'function intersectionA(array1, array2) {\n' +
- ' array1.filter(function(n) {\n' +
- ' return array2.indexOf(n) != -1;\n' +
- ' });\n' +
- '}'
- );
- expect(match.instances[1].lines).to.be(
- 'function intersectionB(arrayA, arrayB) {\n' +
- ' arrayA.filter(function(n) {\n' +
- ' return arrayB.indexOf(n) != -1;\n' +
- ' });\n' +
- '}'
- );
- });
- it('ignores matches with less than the supplied minimum', function() {
- var inspector = new Inspector([fixtures.matches], {
- threshold: 2,
- minInstances: 3
- });
- inspector.on('match', listener);
- inspector.run();
- expect(found).to.have.length(1);
- expect(found[0].instances).to.have.length(3);
- });
- it('ignores CommonJS require statements', function() {
- var inspector = new Inspector([fixtures.commonjs], {
- threshold: 3
- });
- inspector.on('match', listener);
- inspector.run();
- expect(found).to.have.length(0);
- });
- it('ignores AMD define expressions', function() {
- var inspector = new Inspector([fixtures.amd], {
- threshold: 5
- });
- inspector.on('match', listener);
- inspector.run();
- expect(found).to.have.length(0);
- });
- });